Tools Needed: Spring bar tool and soft surface (cloth, microfiber cloth or mousepad)
Lay the watch face down on a soft surface such as a microfiber cloth or a large mouse pad to prevent your watch from getting scratched or damaged.

The spring bar tool comes with a v-shaped point that can be used to compress the spring bar to remove them.

STEP 1: Locate the ridged spring bar ‘shoulder’. It’s usually on the right side of the strap if you look at it from the rear.

STEP 2: Stick the V-shaped forked end of your tool on the spring bar shoulder, push down on the ridge and slide towards the left to compress the spring bar until it’s released. Repeat on other side.
Before installing your new watch band, make sure your replacement strap or bracelet is the correct size. There are two ways you can do this. Firstly, you can use a ruler to physically measure the size of the space between the watch lugs (as shown in image below). If you don’t have a ruler, you can look up the lug width of your watch online. Watch bands typically come in even sizes, with 18, 20 and 22mm being common options, though some can differ. Ensure you buy a replacement strap and spring bar that matches this size.
Tools Needed: Spring bar (V-shaped forked end)
STEP 1: Make sure you are installing the short end of the watch band (the side with the buckle) at to the top of your watch; otherwise, your watch will look rather strange.

STEP 2: Insert the spring bar into the strap.

STEP 3: Position one end of the strap into the lug hole. From here, compress the other side of the pin using the V-shaped end of the spring bar tool and slide the spring bar itself securely into place between the lugs. It might take a bit of wiggling, but the spring bar should then snap into place, with a distinct click.
Once done, repeat on other side.
NOTE: Take your time and be careful here because this is the step is where there’s a greatest risk to scratch the watch lugs.

Your new watch band is now installed and ready to wear!

It’s important to note that new leather watch bands tend to be a little stiffer at first and after a few wears they will start to soften up and adjust to your wrist.
great instructions